Tuesday, October 18, 2011


There is a simple law in nature that says whatever you feed gets stronger. If you put more wood on the fire, the fire grows. If you want to gain weight, eat more! This is a simple law that almost everyone understands. What most people do not know is that this same law applies to the way we think. In terms of thinking, the rule is whatever we put our attention on we feed; whatever we feed, grows; and whatever we feed long enough will appear. Simply put, this is the Law of Attraction.

So much attention has been put on the Law of Attraction recently because people are beginning to understand that we are the ones that control our lives and we control our lives by the way we habitually think. The circumstances that we are confronted with on a daily basis are a result of what we think about the most.

I don't know how it began, but most of us think that we have to balance out a positive thought with the negative thought. There is a zero sum result from this kind of thinking. This is why so many of us keep living the same pattern over and over again. If you want to make real progress in your life, think only the positive thought. When we do this we gain real momentum toward a better life and a more positive way of thinking. At first, this will take a little bit of discipline because this zero-sum way of thinking is a long-term habit.

One of the most effective ways to a better way of thinking is simply to be nice to ourselves! Criticizing ourselves only brings more criticism. When you start monitoring your thoughts, you will be amazed at how negative you are toward yourself. Every thought is the raw material of an experience to come. Make sure that this raw material is positive and you will be amazed at how your life changes for the good. When someone asks you how you're doing, always answer with an enthusiastic, positive response. Even if you're feeling bad at the moment, they have provided you with an opportunity to move into a positive future. Don't worry about telling" the truth," plant the seeds of what you want and not about what you have. Your life will change effortlessly in front of your eyes!

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